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GoGet Projects

Reliable and Tailored Staffing Solutions

End-to-end project management to achieve your hiring goals

All-in-one solution
Wide Range of Roles
Tailored recruitment strategies designed to meet a wide range of staffing roles.
Real time dashboard
Bulk Hiring Support
Leverage on our 300,000 workers for mass hiring solutions for large-scale projects.
Post jobs easily
Fully Managed Solution
End-to-end project management, saving precious time and resources.
Consistently reliable
Dedicated Project Manager
Work with our experienced team to achieve your business goals.

What does GoGet Projects do for you

Before job starts
Before Shift Starts
  • A dedicated project manager will handle screening, hiring, and facilitate communication between the client and worker(s).
  • Coordinate and conduct training to selected workers to ensure they are well-equipped to meet the client's expectations.
During job
During Shift
  • Daily attendance update and verification.
  • Actively monitor workers' performance to ensure high-quality outcomes, while keeping the client regularly informed on progress and performance.
  • Handling any disciplinary issues, replacement and communication with workers.
Post job
After Shift
  • Manage and engage workers.
  • Verify job attendance and release payments to workers.
  • Provide continuous support for future shift scheduling.

Benefits using GoGet Projects

✨ Our Benefit

Integrated Platform for Hiring

Automated Payroll System

Training & Onboarding

Dedicated Project Manager

Job shift posting by GoGet

Applicant screening and training

Part-time staff management and monitoring by GoGet


Integrated Platform for Hiring

Automated Payroll System

Training & Onboarding

Dedicated Project Manager

Job shift posting by GoGet

Applicant screening and training

Part-time staff management and monitoring by GoGet

GoGet Projects

Integrated Platform for Hiring

Automated Payroll System

Training & Onboarding

Dedicated Project Manager

Job shift posting by GoGet

Applicant screening and training

Part-time staff management and monitoring by GoGet



GoGet Projects provides an end-to-end account management service where we handle recruitment, screening, and management of part-time staff for your required job scope.

To engage with GoGet Projects, you must have a GoGet Business account.

The project should have a minimum duration of one month and require at least five workers daily.

GoGet Projects offers customised recruitment solutions tailored to your specific needs and goals.

You'll have a dedicated point of contact, access to our tech-enabled workforce management tools, and comprehensive end-to-end services, including screening, onboarding, and payment management.

Our approach is adaptive and agile to meet your business requirements, saving you hours of precious time and resources.

Minimally one week, on average between one to two weeks upon project confirmation.

Project management fees does apply and typically ranges between 20-30% of the project value. Additional charges may be applicable, and will be quoted prior to the start of the project.

Yes, you will have a dedicated project manager who will assist you throughout the project.

GoGet will handle and manage payments to workers through the platform using GoGet credits, and the payments will be automatically deducted from your GoGet wallet.

Let us help grow your business!

Provide us with your details and we will get in touch.

Reach our sales team on WhatsApp here, Monday - Friday, 10am to 6pm (excl. public holidays)
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